Wi-fi Dongle
Wifi Network card
The Netman 204 card provides reliable communication between the UPS and its management systems over LAN 10/100 Mb, utilising the main network communication protocols (TCP / IP, HTTP and SNMP), industrial protocols MODBUS / TCP or BACNET / IP and is now available in a convenient wireless option.
Netman 204
Network card
The NetMan 204 network agent allows UPS directly connected over LAN 10/100 Mb connections to be managed using the main network communication protocols (TCP /IP , HTTP HTTPS, SSH, SNMPv1, SNMPv2 and SNMPv3). It is the ideal solution for the integration of UPS over Ethernet networks with Modbus/TCP and BACnet/IP protocols. It was developed to integrate UPS into medium-sized and large networks, to provide a high level of reliability in communication between the UPS and associated management systems.
Power Netguard
Supervision software
PowerNETGuard software centralises UPS management using network interface (SNMP) communications. It is ideal for Data Centre managers and medium to large sized networks. PowerNETGuard uses the RFC1628 standard Management Information Base (MIB) and ensures standardised UPS management wherever they are located.
Power Shield3
Communication Software
PowerShield³ provides efficient, userfriendly UPS management, displaying all major operational information such as input voltage, applied load and battery charge. The software also provides detailed
information on fault conditions and UPS operating states. Developed with a client/server architecture, it is the ideal tool for managing multi-platform network systems.